Monday, December 21, 2009

A Different Kind of Foxhole

I don’t know if I would be so “brave,” have a grade of “A” or show “great spirits” if my doctor hadn’t said from the start that this is curable . . . unless he says that to all of his patients. It was like getting hit in the head with a soft bat. The shock of “me? Cancer? But it doesn’t run in the family?” put me in a daze I’ve never come out of. I totally by-passed the stages of, what is it, denial, anger, etc. and jumped to acceptance.

I don’t even know if I’ll be a better person for going through this life-threatening situation. I hope so. Already I find myself counting my blessings (and I’m not a religious person, just a deist who celebrates Christmas and Easter because it’s tradition and family fun). I also find myself speaking my mind more than I naturally do (I hope tactfully), and being a little more ho-hum about the smaller headaches in life.

Having a wonderful family and friends are my blessings and strength (and a good insurance policy helps too). So maybe, just maybe, a year from now when my curly mane is back covering my neck, I can say the experience was really worth it. Let’s see if I say, “Gee, I’m glad I had Cancer.”

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