Monday, December 21, 2009

"A" Grade?

Have you ever read the Scarlet Letter . . . one of those High School teacher assigned books that everyone but I dreaded reading?

The other day before getting in the tub, I noticed my port scars, near my left shoulder. And whaddya know, it’s the color and shape of a red capital “A” . . . unlike Hester, mine is stitched in my skin rather than clothing. I am a marked woman.

But then I thought of my friend Elaine (over 18 months fighting breast cancer with four operations and X-ray treatments on top of Chemo) . . . .how many zodiac symbols, letters, esoteric icons (and tattoos) are decorating her flesh?

We must have done something really wrong by society standards, but then again, not really, if we compare ourselves to Ms. Prynne. Maybe we just ate too many non-organic fruits and vegetables . . . .and then came the punishment for somebody else’s (pesticide and fertilizing) failings.

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